For web application development using C#, IIS seems to be the standard choice of web server. But are there any other options? I want to use Linux for my web server.
As far as I can see the other options are:
Make your web server program handle the IIS stuff yourself. (As long as you don't need a lot of IIS features, this won't be too expensive)
Use Apache Tomcat with mod_mono
Use another web server like nginx or lighttpd (Is this even possible with C#?)
Use that OWIN stuff (Are there implementations of this which are mature enough to consider yet?)
Something else I haven't considered ... ?
Which of these options is the most viable for a web application in the long term?
I'm mostly concerned about the long term maintainability of the project, rather than the server being able to handle high volume loads.
On both ways you will need to install Mono, and I recommend installing latest one, not the one that, for example, Ubuntu PPA gives.
Also, since you are concerned about long-term you should really wait for Option 2 since it's going to be released in next couple of months.
If you really cannot wait those months and do not want to work on beta-product and then migrate to stable only option I see is NancyFX which is web-app framework written in C# that has full Linux support now.