I am using IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate v 13.1, and I am fond of using key board short cuts, rarely use mouse. I am relatively new to this IDE as earlier I always worked on eclipse.
My question is about performing right click operations by pressing the right click key on key board (usually found near the right side Ctrl key on external key boards). The problem is when I press this key, nothing happens but when I click the mouse right click and things just happen. This is applicable on editor, project explorer and I guess everywhere in the IDE.
Is there a switch I should turn on and it will work or any other way to get key board right click work in IDEA? Thanks very much for your responses.
Sometimes accidents just happen for good! This one falls in that category :)
Somehow IDEA was unable to load any of my projects, and I thought of deleting '.IntelliJIdea13' directory from my user directory. Initially I didn't change my keymap (shortcuts) to Eclipse and right click just works fine.
In any case the problem is there for IntelliJ to fix. They should allow right click from keyboard to work even when shortscuts are mapped to Eclipse style.
I tried to change the shortcuts to Eclipse and keyboard right click stopped working. When I change it to default, it starts working.