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AWSCli dynamodb update-item command syntax

am using AmazonAwsCli to write a shell script to update an attribute in an item in a dynamodb table. I want to update an attribute in a table for multiple items. I am reading the attribute value from a file and am trying to update the table by injecting the value of the shell script variable in the command. The documentation available at suggests using separate json files for expression-attribute-names and expression-attribute-values. However, I do not want to create separate json files. Rather, I want to write one command to update an item for a given attribute value.

My table name = MY_TABLE_NAME

hashkey = AccountId

shell script variable holding the value of AccountId = accountId

attribute name that needs to be updated = Version

shell script variable holding the value of Version = ver

I have got something like :

aws dynamodb update-item --table-name MY_TABLE_NAME --key '{"AccountId": {"S": '$accountId'}}' --update-expression "SET Version = '{"Version": {"S": '$ver'}}'" --condition-expression "attribute_exists(Version)" --return-values UPDATED_NEW

But, the above command does not work. Can someone point me to the correct syntax.


  • My AwsCli version did not support --update-expression option. I used the attribute-updates option instead.

    Here is my command :

    updatedVersion=aws dynamodb update-item --table-name MY_TABLE_NAME --key '{"AccountId": {"S": '$accountId'}}' --attribute-updates '{"Version": {"Value": {"S": '$desiredVersion'},"Action": "PUT"}}' --return-values UPDATED_NEW | jq '.Attributes.RuleSetVersion.S'