I am using Capybara for web page scraping. I noticed a problem in which afterwards Poltergeist hangs around in the memory eating system resources. The Poltergeist Github page notes that there is a memory leak issue with Capybara (https://github.com/teampoltergeist/poltergeist) and they recommend calling
That fixes the memory issue for me, but when I want to use Capybara again later I receive the error message:
IOError: closed stream
I believe just refreshing the Capybara session will fix this but can't find a public method that allows me to restart with a brand new session.
1) Is there a method that will fix my issue?
2) Is resetting the session the best way of reopening the stream?
The solution that worked best was to initiate a new Capybara session like this:
session = Capybara::Session.new(:poltergeist, Rails.application)
For my program I encapsulated it in a WebScraper module like this:
module WebScraper
attr_accessor :session
delegate :visit, :save_screenshot, to: :session
def start_session
@session ||= Capybara::Session.new(:poltergeist, Rails.application)
def end_session
@session = nil