I have managed to create an algorithm to check the rank of a poker hand. It works 100% correctly, but it's very slow. I've been analysing the code, and the check straight function is one of the slowest parts of it.
So my question is, is there a better way of calculating whether a hand make a straight?
Here is some details:
7 cards, 2 from holder, 5 from board. A can be high or low.
Each card is assigned a value: 2 = 2 3 = 3 .. 9 = 9 T = 10 J = 11 Q = 12 K = 13 A = 14
The script has an array of all 7 cards:
$cards = array(12,5,6,7,4,11,3);
So now I need to be able to sort this into an array where it:
It needs to be fast; loops and iterations are very costly. This is what I currently use and when it tries to analyse say 15000 hands, it takes its toll on the script.
For the above, I used:
Does anyone have any examples of how I could improve on this? Maybe even in another language that I could perhaps look at and see how it's done?
Instead of working with array deduping and sorting, consider using a bitmask instead, and setting bits to 1 where the card value is set. A bitmask works like a Set datastructure and comes with additional advantages when it comes to detecting contiguous elements.
for ($i = 0; $i < count($cards); $i++) {
$card = $cards[$i];
// For each card value, set the bit
if ($card == 14) {
// If card is an ace, also set bit 1 for wheel
$cardBitmask |= 0x2;
$cardBitmask |= (1 << $card);
// To compare, you simply write a for loop checking for 5 consecutive bits
for($i = 10; $i > 0; $i--)
if ($cardBitmask & (0x1F << $i) == (0x1F << $i)) {
// Straight $i high was found!