I am running a script that telnets to a terminal server
. Occasionally the script is launched while one instance is already running, which causes the already running script to fail with
EOFError: telnet connection closed
Is there a quick and easy and pythonic
way to check if the required socket is already in use on the client computer before I try to open a connection with telnetlib
I wanted to avoid making a subprocess call but since I do not control software on the client computers, and other programs may be using the same socket, the file lock suggestion below (a good idea) wouldn't work for me. I ended up using SSutrave's suggestion. Here is my working code that uses netstat in Windows 7:
# make sure the socket is not already in use
netstat = subprocess.Popen(['netstat','-nao'],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
raise ValueError("couldn't launch netstat to check sockets. exiting")
ports = netstat.communicate()[0]
if (ip + ':' + port) in ports:
print 'socket ' + ip + ':' + port + ' in use on this computer already. exiting'
You can check for open ports by running the following linux command netstat | grep 'port number' | wc -l
by importing subprocess
library in python.