I have a very big source code, say 2000 classes. I make different executables(.ipa) using the source code. The changes among the executables are some keys in the info.plist file and the product name.
Whenever I change the product name Xcode compiles all the source files(2000+) again. If I don't change the product name and change only the info.pilst file it compiles only the info.plist file which indicates that I do not have any weird things in the source code.
I don't want the files to be compiled again and again as it takes long time, an incremental compile with a different product name is really nice to have.
Is there anyway I can achieve it?. Or is there a key like CFBundleName
that controls the name displayed under the app icon without making the Xcode compile again.( Changing only CFBundleName
doesn't make the Xcode to recompile however it is not changing the bundle name unless the project is cleaned. UPDATE: Touching the info.plist make it work) .
If you only want to change the name that is shown, use CFBundleDisplayName.