I am receiving a JSON string from API that is structured in not a good way to be handled in the App.
I chose to create a custom serialiser for this JSON data (rather then having two different classes for data received and used in app).
Following a lot of tutorials I managed to put together a custom serialiser for a single object. However, I need to work with lists of these objects (there will be more different data that will come in these weird lists, that needs custom handling).
Is there a built in way I can set my custom serialiser to work with each object in the list? Or do I need to split the JSON object manually, and feed chunks of it to custom serialiser?
Any other suggestions how to handle this situation is appreciated.
User class:
public class User
public int id;
public string displayName;
public string email;
public int total_points;
public float total_values;
The deserialiser:
public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType,
object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
JObject jObjectRoot = JObject.Load(reader);
var root = jObjectRoot.Properties().ToList();
JObject jObjectData = JObject.Load(root[2].Value.CreateReader());
var data = jObjectData.Properties().ToList();
return new User {
id = (int)root[1].Value,
displayName = (string)data[0].Value,
email = (string)data[1].Value,
total_points = (int)data[2].Value,
total_values = (float)data[3].Value
Also the code that parses the json string to single user object:
public static void ProcessJSON(string json)
User user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<User>(json);
And the JSON itself:
"type": "users",
"id": 1,
"attr": {
"display_name": "user2",
"email": "user2@email.com",
"total_points": 4,
"total_values": 32.34
"relationships": {
"points_received": {
"links": {
"self": "tipjar/users/1/relationships/points",
"related": "tipjar/users/1/points"
"points_given": {
"links": {
"self": "tipjar/users/1/relationships/awarded",
"related": "tipjar/users/1/awarded"
You can get the list of user objects without a custom converter like this:
var userList = JArray.Parse(json)
.Select(t => new User()
id = int.Parse(t["id"].ToString()),
displayName = t["attr"]["display_name"].ToString(),
email = t["attr"]["email"].ToString(),
total_points = int.Parse(t["attr"]["total_points"].ToString()),
total_values = float.Parse(t["attr"]["total_values"].ToString()),