I am trying to figure out how to get information on unacknowledged messages. Where are these stored? In playing with celery inspect it seems that once a message gets acknowledged it processes through and you can follow the state. Assuming you have a results backend then you can see the results of it. But from the time you apply delay until it get's acknowledged it's in a black hole.
While not exactly germane to the problem here is what I'm working with.
from celery.app import app_or_default
app = app_or_default()
inspect = app.control.inspect()
# Now if I want "RECEIVED" jobs..
data = inspect.reserved()
# or "ACTIVE" jobs..
data = inspect.active()
# or "REVOKED" jobs..
data = inspect.revoked()
# or scheduled jobs.. (Assuming these are time based??)
data = inspect.scheduled()
# data = inspect.??
# This will never work for tasks that aren't in one of the above buckets..
I really appreciate your advice and help on this.
They are those tasks in inspect.reserved()
that have 'acknowleged': False
from celery.app import app_or_default
app = app_or_default()
inspect = app.control.inspect()
# those that have been sent to a worker and are thus reserved
# from being sent to another worker, but may or may not be acknowledged as received by that worker
data = inspect.reserved()
{'celery.tasks': [{'acknowledged': False,
'args': '[]',
'delivery_info': {'exchange': 'tasks',
'priority': None,
'routing_key': 'celery'},
'hostname': 'celery.tasks',
'id': '527961d4-639f-4002-9dc6-7488dd8c8ad8',
'kwargs': '{}',
'name': 'globalapp.tasks.task_loop_tick',
'time_start': None,
'worker_pid': None},
{'acknowledged': False,
'args': '[]',
'delivery_info': {'exchange': 'tasks',
'priority': None,
'routing_key': 'celery'},
'hostname': 'celery.tasks',
'id': '09d5b726-269e-48d0-8b0e-86472d795906',
'kwargs': '{}',
'name': 'globalapp.tasks.task_loop_tick',
'time_start': None,
'worker_pid': None},
{'acknowledged': False,
'args': '[]',
'delivery_info': {'exchange': 'tasks',
'priority': None,
'routing_key': 'celery'},
'hostname': 'celery.tasks',
'id': 'de6d399e-1b37-455c-af63-a68078a9cf7c',
'kwargs': '{}',
'name': 'globalapp.tasks.task_loop_tick',
'time_start': None,
'worker_pid': None}],
'fastlane.tasks': [],
'images.tasks': [],
'mailer.tasks': []}