I am building app for android using python, kivy and Buildozer. I am including CSV module in code. CSV module is blacklisted by default in Buildozer in blacklist.txt
I removed it from all blacklist.txt files. After that if I try "buildozer android debug" this error occurs:
# Command failed: pip install --download-cache=/home/tibor/.buildozer/cache --target=/home/tibor/projects/wisdoms_deploy/.buildozer/applibs csv
In detailed log from buildozer pip is this:
Downloading/unpacking csv
Getting page https://pypi.python.org/simple/csv/
URLs to search for versions for csv:
* https://pypi.python.org/simple/csv/
Analyzing links from page https://pypi.python.org/simple/csv/
Skipping link http://www.object-craft.com.au/projects/csv/ (from https://pypi.python.org/simple/csv/); not a file
It indicates that it wants to download csv from wrong page as on that pages is nothing.
I am stuck at this point and can't figure out, how to add csv module to buildozer.
It looks like you've added then csv module to the requirements line so buildozer is trying to install it. This is not necessary as it is a built in module, just remove it.
Also, probably a better way to unblacklist it would be to add it in the whitelist option. This removes the need to manually edit the blacklist files.