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Generating XML SOAP message in PHP

I need help generating XML SOAP message in PHP. I'm using BeSimpleSoap extension. I've tried many different ways to generate SOAP message. Message should look like this:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:gsb="">
               <gsb:Data encoding="EMBEDDED">

I have tried to generat XML with this:

$encodded = new SoapVar("<tns:Upit>
                            </tns:Upit>", XSD_ANYXML); 

    $par_envelope=array( "GsbEnvelope" =>  
        array( "MessageHeader" => 
            array("SenderId" => "24",
                "ServiceId" => "$ServiceId",
                "MessageId" => $UUID,
                "SenderTimeStamp" => $date_time),
                "Content" => array("MimeType" =>"application/xml","Data" =>array("any"=>$encodded,"encoding"=>"EMBEDDED"))));

        "local_cert" =>$SOAP_cert,
        "connection_timeout" => 60);

    $client = new BeSimple\SoapClientSoapClient("GSBService.wsdl",$par_WSDL);


But that only generated part of a XML message that looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">

EDIT Here you can see WSDL and XSD files.


  • It seems that the library adds its own namespace prefixes. This is not a problem. In XML the following 3 examples have the same meaning:

    • <ns1:SendMessageRequest xmlns:ns1="">
    • <gsb:SendMessageRequest xmlns:gsb="">
    • <SendMessageRequest xmlns="">

    The XML parser will resolve all 3 to an element node with the local name SendMessageRequest in the namespace

    So the changed prefix is not a problem. The library can do this to generate/optimize the output.

    But, your XML Soap variable is not valid XML. You did not add the namespace definition. If an element has a prefix you will need a namespace definition for this prefix on the element node or one of its ancestors.

    $encoded = new SoapVar(
      "<tns:Upit xmlns:tns=''>