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How can I set COLLATION of a field to utf8_general_ci with GORM?

I would like to have a string-type field in a MySQL database which is case-insensitive and unique. I used the following model:

type User struct {
    Id             int64  `json:"id" sql:"AUTO_INCREMENT"`
    Email          string `json:"email" sql:"unique_index"`

which makes Email unique, but

type User struct {
    Id             int64  `json:"id" sql:"AUTO_INCREMENT"`
    Email          string `json:"email" sql:"unique_index;COLLATION(utf8_general_ci)"`

seems to have no effect.

How can I set COLLATION of a field to utf8_general_ci with GORM?


  • You can use the sql tag in the field you want to change, like this:

    type User struct {
        Name `sql:"type:VARCHAR(5) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci"`