When I run my light switch html client it is running in url http://localhost:55305/HTMLClient/.
Like we do in aspnet application I want to change the the port 55305 to some thing else
How can I change running port of light switch HTMLClient.
Using lightswitch 2013
I imagine you're debugging and utilizing the IIS Express web server. To change the settings, make sure you've shut down Visual Studio, and shut down the development web server if it's still running (check for IIS Express in the notifications area, if it's there shut it down).
Then open your ProjectNameServer csproj file and edit the value of IISUrl to be http://localhost:YourPortNumber/. Save the file, open up your LightSwitch solution and hit debug, it should use the chosen port.
Note that if the port is already in use, the web server will be unable to start up and you'll receive errors trying to view the page.