I have a autunattend.xml file for a windows 8.1 installation with packer. This works actually ok, but it does not add to my search domain (I hope this is the right term).
So I have a VM at the end and when I try to connect to another machine in the network - lets call it foo - this is not working:
nslookp foo
which means, it cannot find the machine. Adding the domain to it does work though
nslookup foo.company.local
How can I add the domain company.local to the autounattend.xml so that the first call is working ?
you can try to add the following command in your autounattend.xml
<SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
<Description>Set DNS Search Order</Description>
<CommandLine>cmd.exe /c wmic nicconfig call SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder (company.local,<add other if necessary separated by ,)</CommandLine>
Just make sure the Order (here 99) does not conflict with an existing command from your script