Given this DataTemplate
<DataTemplate x:DataType="Color">
I get the following error:
The as operator must be used with a reference type or nullable type ('Color' is a non-nullable value type)
When you follow the error, it takes you to auto-generated code for that view which uses the as
public void DataContextChangedHandler(global::Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement sender, global::Windows.UI.Xaml.DataContextChangedEventArgs args)
global::Windows.UI.Color data = args.NewValue as global::Windows.UI.Color;
if (args.NewValue != null && data == null)
throw new global::System.ArgumentException("Incorrect type passed into template. Based on the x:DataType global::Windows.UI.Color was expected.");
I know that {x:Bind}
is new, but just in case, does anyone know how to configure it to allow value types, or at least use direct casting?
I have the same issue when binding the Windows Runtime Type like “Windows.UI.Color” in x:DateType.
The current workaround I used is wrapping a .NET Reference Type.
public class BindModel
public Windows.UI.Color Color { get; set; }
<DataTemplate x:Key="test" x:DataType="local:BindModel">
<SolidColorBrush Color="{x:Bind Color}"></SolidColorBrush>