I have recently attempted creating a basic caesar-cypher in pascal (using lazarus as my compiler). My aim was to set the numbers as the array and then declare all the numbers as letters so that when i run the code it should scramble or 'encrypt' the code. I am still a beginner and have been trying to overcome the first basic problems with this code. I have learnt the theory of how it works...just haven't figured out how to put it into action :( [it keeps highlighting the numbers[1] := 'a';
code and says illegal identifier?!
so far this is what i have:
program Caesarcypher;
numbers : integer;
number : array [1..26]of integer;
numbers[1] := 'a';
numbers[2] := 'b';
numbers[3] := 'c';
numbers[4] := 'd';
numbers[5] := 'e';
numbers[6] := 'f';
numbers[7] := 'g';
numbers[8] := 'h';
numbers[9] := 'i';
numbers[10] := 'j';
numbers[11] := 'k';
numbers[12] := 'l';
numbers[13] := 'm';
numbers[14] := 'n';
numbers[15] := 'o';
numbers[16] := 'p';
numbers[17] := 'q';
numbers[18] := 'r';
numbers[19] := 's';
numbers[20] := 't';
numbers[21] := 'u';
numbers[22] := 'v';
numbers[23] := 'w';
numbers[24] := 'x';
numbers[25] := 'y';
numbers[26] := 'z';
You have at least two mistakes.
. You can assign something like this: numbers:=64;
You need to declare var numbers:array [1..26] of char;
or number:array [1..26] of char;
if you wish to assign character to its members.