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Clear Constants in a range without clearing references and formulas

I am trying to clear all the number constants in a range of cells without clearing any formulas or cell references. Clearing the constants from cells without any formulas or cell references is simple but I am having trouble doing it when those are present. Below is the code I have so far.

Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 1).Select

In this range cells B5 and B7 have formulas with cell references as follows:

B5: =(G83*H1)+1181.05

B7: =E33+1292.76

The cell references will also at times reference cells on other sheets in the same workbook. I need to clear the constants from these formulas while leaving the references intact.


  • This will remove constants from all formulas in current workbook based on 2 patterns:

    • "=Formula-[Space]-PlusSign-[Space]-Constant" (space optional)

      • =(G83*H1)+1181.05 or =(G83*H1) +1181.05 or =(G83*H1)+ 1181.05 becomes =(G83*H1)
      • =E33+1292.76 or =E33 +1292.76 or =E33+ 1292.76 or =E33 + 1292.76 becomes =E33
    • "=Formula-[Space]-MinusSign-[Space]-Constant" (space optional)

    Public Sub clearConstantsFromWorkBookFormulas()
        Const PATTERNS As String = "~+*|~+ *|~ +*| ~+ *|~-*|~- *|~ -*|~ - *"
        Dim pat As Variant
        For Each pat In Split(PATTERNS, "|")
            Cells.Replace What:=pat, _
                          Replacement:=vbNullString, _
                          LookAt:=xlPart, _
                          SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
    End Sub


    This is a more generic option using regEx pattern matching and arrays:

    Public Sub testClear()
        Dim ws As Worksheet
        For Each ws In Application.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
            removeConstantsFromFormulas ws.Range("B2:B11"), getRegEx
    End Sub
    Public Sub removeConstantsFromFormulas(ByRef rng As Range, ByRef regEx As Object)
        Dim v As Variant, r As Long, c As Long, lr As Long, lc As Long
        lr = rng.Rows.Count
        lc = rng.Columns.Count
        If lr > 0 And lc > 0 Then
            v = rng.Formula
            For r = 1 To lr
               For c = 1 To lc
                  If Left(v(r, c), 1) = "=" Then
                     If regEx.Test(v(r, c)) Then v(r, c) = regEx.Replace(v(r, c), vbNullString)
                  End If
            rng.Formula = v
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Function getRegEx() As Object
        Set getRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
        getRegEx.Pattern = "[^a-zA-Z][0-9]+(\.?[0-9]+)"
        getRegEx.Global = True
        getRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
    End Function

    RegEx pattern: one or more digits, digit group not preceded by a letter, with or without a fraction part