I want to save my files in specific path.. I have used like this
file_name = gets
F = open.(Dir.pwd, /data/folder /#{@file_name },w+)
I'm not sure whether the above line is correct or not! Where Dir.pwd tell the directory path followed by my folder path and the file name given.
It should get store the value on the specific path with the specific file name given. Can anyone tell me how to do that.
Your code has multiple errors. Have you ever tried to execute the script?
Your script ends with:
test.rb:7: unknown regexp options - fldr
test.rb:7: syntax error, unexpected end-of-input
F = open.(Dir.pwd, /data/folder /#{@file_name },w+)
First: You need to define the strings with '
or "
file_name = gets
F = open.(Dir.pwd, "/data/folder/#{@file_name}","w+")
Some other errors:
and later @file_name
. open
method belongs to File
and needs two parameters.F
. I would use a variable.File.join
for it.After all these changes you get:
file_name = gets
f = File.open(File.join(Dir.pwd, "/data/folder/#{file_name}"),"w+")
and the error:
test.rb:29:in `initialize': No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - C:/Temp/data/folder/sdssd (Errno::ENOENT)
The folder must exist, so you must create it first.
Now the script looks like:
require 'fileutils'
dirname = "data/folder"
file_name = gets.strip
FileUtils.mkdir_p(dirname) unless Dir.exists?(dirname)
f = File.open(File.join(Dir.pwd, dirname, file_name),"w+")
##fill the content