I'm currently looking for some good techniques to anonymously send and receive messages and/or files over the internet. Currently I'm only really familiar with tor which is based on Onion routing.
I found another technique called AntsP2P (http://antsp2p.altervista.org/) which is based on Antnet (http://people.idsia.ch/~gianni/antnet.html). I can't really figure out how that technique provides anonimity though.
Anyway.. Are there some good alternatives to onion routing when it comes to anonymously sending messages and/or files over the internet?
Thnx in advance!
Tox is an opensource software that you can use to anonymously send messages. It works very simply, when you lanch it for the first time, you get a public key that you can send to anyone you want to chat with. The other do the same and you get a crypted connection to send messages and files !
link : Tox