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creation of realm file in App-Group Folder does not work under WatchOS (WatchKit Extension)

The following code works under iOS-8.x / Swift-1.2 / WatchKit-1.0

    // create Realm_DB-File in shared App-Groups Folder
    let directory: NSURL = NSFileManager.defaultManager().containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier(AppConstants.APP_GROUP_IDENTIFIER_KEY)!
    let realmPath = directory.path!.stringByAppendingPathComponent(AppConstants.REALM_FILENAME_KEY)
    playerRealm = Realm.init(path: realmPath)

But it doesn't work under iOS-9.0.1 / Swift-2.0 / WatchOS-2.0

The two error messages are:

1.) 'stringByAppendingPatchComponent' is unavailable: Use URLByAppendingPathComponent on NSURL instead

2.) Call can throw, but it is not marked with 'try' and the error is not handled

enter image description here

Any help appreciated !


  • To fix your first issue, you need to cast:

    directory.path as NSString

    since the path is returning as a String, which in Swift doesn't offer the stringByAppendingPathComponent method.

    Second, Swift 2.0 has new error handling, so methods that can throw an error are labeled throws. These methods then require you to add try before the call. See Apple's docs on this: Swift Error Handling

    To disable the error handling if you know that the path is guaranteed to work you can simple write:

    playerRealm = try! Realm(path: realmPath)