The Flask-Security docs mention JSON/Ajax support for all of the important view endpoints. So it's possible to get all of the buit-in Flask-Security awesomeness by hitting the views with JSON objects.
But, now I'm trying to use it as part of a RESTful API, and it's not working, because it needs a CSRF token, which is necessary for webpages, but not for APIs:
"meta": {
"code": 400
"response": {
"errors": {
"csrf_token": [
"CSRF token missing"
What is the best way to get around this?
When using a REST API, the prefered method is token based authentication with something like JSON Web Token (JWT). This scheme has a different security landscape because you are not generating HTML on the server side or using cookies. I'm not a security expert, but from what I've read, this means you are not susceptible to Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF). This is why turning off CSRF tokens in Flask-Security is ok.
Try using PyJWT token based authentication scheme. To get the token, you post credentials to the 'login' endpoint and receive a token in response. You will then have to send the token with each request through HTTP headers. You can often set this globally on the JS side.
Here are a few references:
note: It seems that Flask-JWT uses the python itsdangerous
library which hasn't been updated in awhile. There is a discussion here: Again, I'm not a security expert and both libraries seem to be handle the encoding/decoding by default with the same algorithm. PyJWT and Python-Jose are both listed on and have extended functionality.