We have built a working integration between our web app and quickbooks desktop using the legacy quickbooks API v3 for QBD (https://developer.intuit.com/docs/95_legacy/qbd_v3).
We now want to add a new adapter to our web app to support the new QBO api (https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0050_quickbooks_api).
The c# SDK (https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0100_accounting/0500_developer_kits/0010.net_tools) for QBO seems to be the same one as we are currently using for QBD. Is that true?
What changes do I need to make from our current QBD adapter to get it work with QBO? i.e. when using the C# SDK what are the differences when using it for QBD vs QBO?
For example, it seems that when you create a ServiceContext, you specify the data source as either IntuitServicesType.QBD or IntuitServicesType.QBO. Is it simply that easy or what other changes would I need to make...here are my additional thoughts on potential changes I may or may not have to do:
Please see my answer in Intuit's Live community for your question- https://intuitdeveloper.lc.intuit.com/questions/1233347-help-with-convert-from-legacy-qbd-v3-to-qbo