we are currently using Safescan's TA+ Software on a Windows machine at work, but try to move the Database (TADATA.FDB) onto a small Linux Server, which is why we bought a Raspberry Pi2 and installed Raspbian and Firebird 2.5 Super on it. Afterwards we copied the TADATA.FDB File from the Windows 7 machine onto the Pi and set the SYSDBA password to "masterkey".
If I try to connect to said database on the Windows machine using
CONNECT "C:\Program Files (x86)\SafeScan\TA4\TADATA.FDB" user 'SYSDBA' password 'masterkey'
everything works fine and I can access the database. However, if I use the equivalent command
CONNECT "/var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/tadata.fdb" user 'SYSDBA' password 'masterkey'
on the Raspberry, I get the following response:
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = HY000
file /var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/tadata.fdb is not a valid database
If I try to connect via the Safescan Software using the Syntax they provided ( SERVERIP:/var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/tadata.fdb ), the program gives me this error messeage:
The settings of the provided database couldn't be opened
(Error: file /var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/tadata.fdb is not a valid database
Connection authorization failure.
GDS Code: 335544323 Error Code: 3 )
The credentials I provided seem to be set correctly, as I can use them to create and connect any other Database, such as the sample one. To make sure the password is set correctly, I also used
GSEC> modify SYSDBA -pw masterkey
with root privileges.
What should I do to connect to this Database on the Raspberry?
EDIT: The "show version" command gives the following info: On the Raspbian (with a test.fdb connected):
ISQL Version: LI-V2.5.2.26540 Firebird 2.5
Server version:
Firebird/linux ARM (access method), version "LI-V2.5.2.26540 Firebird 2.5"
Firebird/linux ARM (remote server), version "LI-V2.5.2.26540 Firebird 2.5/tcp (raspberrypi)/P12"
Firebird/linux ARM (remote interface), version "LI-V2.5.2.26540 Firebird 2.5/tcp (raspberrypi)/P12"
on disk structure version 11.2
And on the Windows Version (with TADATA.FDB connected):
ISQL Version: WI-V2.5.4.26856 Firebird 2.5
Server Version:
Firebird/x86/Windows NT (access method), version "WI-V2.5.4.26856 Firebird 2.5"
Firebird/x86/Windows NT (remote server), version "WI-V2.5.4.26856 Firebird 2.5/XNet (WIN7PC)/P12"
Firebird/x86/Windows NT (remote interface), version "WI-V2.5.4.26856 Firebird 2.5/XNet (WIN7PC)/P12"
on disk sturcture version 10.1
You need to do a backup in transportable format with gbak on windows machine and restore it on raspberry pi machine, they have different cpus (x86 vs arm) and On-Disk Structure differs.
See the "Firebird Backup & Restore Utility" manual for details on using gbak.