I'm using nested attributes to create a Photo
and a Comment
object. I would like to set the author on the comment, which is nested inside the photo.
Here are the params:
photo: {
file: 'hi.jpg',
comments_params: [
{ content: "hello world!" }
But I would like to add the author to the comment.
# ...
comments_params: [
{ content: "hello world!", author: current_user }
# ...
What's easiest way to do this? My controller code looks like this.
@photo = Photo.new(photo_params)
def photo_params
params.require(:photo).permit(:file, comments_attributes: [:content])
I can do it by manipulating the params after filtering them with strong_parameters
(pseudo-code, but the idea stands), but I would rather not.
photo_params[:comments_attributes].each do |comment|
comment[:author] = current_user
But this feels a bit wrong.
Instead of messing with params, you could assign author to now-existing objects:
@photo = Photo.new(photo_params)
@photo.comments.select(&:new_record?).each {|c| c.author = current_user }