We're trying to use dotplot to create a caterpillarplot based on the random effect structure of a lmerMod
object created by lmer()
in the lme4 package.
The plot itself is created perfectly fine, but when trying to change the lay-out errors occur.
Sample of code without lay-out instructions:
all_bv_C <- lmer(RQ_EvT_A ~ SD_Lft_M_Cat4 + SD_Opl_M_Cat3 + OV_Gez_M_4 + (1|VSVnr), data=BV2, REML=TRUE)
random <- ranef(all_bv_C, condVar = TRUE)
dotplot(randoms, scales = list(x = list(relation = 'free')))
This creates the plot:
We wish to change the title, axis labels and the color palette. For example, to change the title, the usual syntax would be
dotplot(randoms, scales = list(x = list(relation = 'free')), main="Title")
This throws the error:
Error in if (main) nx : argument is not interpretable as logical
We've been unable to get around this error. Everywhere we looked, this should work for any dotplot usage. Can anyone shed some light?
P.S.: We're using dotplot()
over ggplot()
due to some irregularities in extracting the random effect structure into a data frame as would be suggested here: ggCaterpillar. The function specified throws a NULL due to:
pv <- attr(x, "postVar")
We've also tried other routes for extracting the variance/covariance matrix to adapt the function, but felt that dotplot was the easier route after fumbling for a day.
You can not here without changing the code. Looking at the source code of the S3 method dotplot
for ranef.mer
You can not set the titles suing arguments. If you look in the function in some line it is written explicitly:
mtit <- if (main) nx
where nx is the names(x)( your ranef object).
So if you do somthing like :
names(randoms) <- "Title"
the plot title will change. But this is a hack. Better here to change the code of the function and customize it as you like.