I'm not sure why, but suddenly my joomla is having errors. Mostly on content and menus.
I can't really describe by the code what is happening, because I also don't understand why.
I'll use my article section to explain and as a comparison.
This is a common 'Edit Article' section in any common joomla.
(source: joomla.org)
And this is what I have in My Joomla
There is a lot difference between the two, I will summarize :
My question is : What is causing this? Is it extension, article module, or what?
Please elaborate and provide solution.
Thank you.
The first thing I recommend is to always have updated the site to the latest version. Both for reasons of safety and features.
Currently Joomla version is 3.4.4
You're working with a version 3.1.4 and compare the screen with a 3.2.1