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Entity Relationship Model / Relational Model and Normalization of Attributes

I have the following question. If i have a relation such as

Request = {[Request_ID: Int,Status: String,Start_Time: Date]}

Request_ID is the primary attribute and Status and Start_Time are normal attributes.

If I would like to normalize the Status from String to Int for example my ref_Status table would look something like this.

Status_ID | Status Name

1 | New

2 | Old

3 | finished

Does through this normalization the Attribute Status become an Entity ?

Attributes are used to characterize an Entity which the Status-ID does but at the same time it is a foreign key to a different table even though it only holds the name which would hint me that this would be an Entity.

I would be really glad if someone could help me out with this.

Thank you in Advance and I hope my Question is clear.


  • What you're describing is introducing a surrogate key for the status. It has nothing to do with normalization.

    Entities in Chen's ER model are represented by values, and a status can be interpreted as an entity regardless of whether it's represented by an int in one table or a string in another.