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Separate nav from ng-view

I'm brand new to Angularjs and am trying to set up a new site but I'm confused as to the set up. I have a module and am using $route to successfully navigate but I'm lost as to what to do with my nav. When I load the module I want to read my database for a list of links that the user is allowed to access then spit them out in the nav. I don't want to repeat this in every view because I don't need to. So I'm trying to figure out how to run the ajax call once and then keep changing the view (I'd also like to add a class .selected to whatever view they're on). How would I go about doing that, with a directive?

(function () {
    var app = angular.module('manage', ['ngRoute', 'manageControllers']);

    I've tried this but obviously $http isn't injected. Can I even do that?
    var thisApp = this;

    $http.get('/test/angular/php/angular.php', {params: {'function': 'nav'}}).then(function successCallback(response) {


        function($routeProvider) {
                when('/', {
                    templateUrl: 'templates/dash.html',
                    controller: 'DashCtrl'
                when('/inventory/', {
                    templateUrl: 'templates/inventory.html',
                    controller: 'InventoryCtrl'
                when('/inventory/:mvKey', {
                    templateUrl: 'templates/inventory.html',
                    controller: 'InventoryCtrl'
                when('/inventory/:mvKey/:tab', {
                    templateUrl: 'templates/inventory.html',
                    controller: 'InventoryCtrl'
                /* etc...*/


My attempt at getting the nav to run once


var manageControllers = angular.module('manageControllers', []);

var thisApp = this;
nav = null;
navSelected = '/';

manageControllers.controller('NavCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {
    if (thisApp.nav === null) {
        $http.get('php/angular.php', {params: {'function': 'nav'}}).then(function successCallback(response) {
            thisApp.nav =;
            $scope.nav = thisApp.nav;
            $ = thisApp.navSelected;
    } else {
        $scope.nav = thisApp.nav;
        $ = thisApp.navSelected;

manageControllers.controller('DashCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
    thisApp.navSelected = '/';


  • I would swith to UI Router ( instead of $route. It allows you being much more flexible with your routing.

    A Small example:

            function($stateProvider) {
                    state('/', {
                        url: '/',
                        views: {
                            '': {
                                templateUrl: 'templates/dash.html',
                                controller: 'DashCtrl'
                            'nav@': {
                                templateUrl: 'path/to/nav.html',
                                controller: 'NavCtrl'
                    state('/inventory/', {
                        url: '/',
                        views: {
                            '': {
                                templateUrl: 'templates/dash.html',
                                controller: 'DashCtrl'
                            'nav@': {
                                templateUrl: 'path/to/nav.html',
                                controller: 'NavCtrl'
                    // ...

    and in your index.html

    <div ui-view="nav"></div>
    <div ui-view ></div>   

    Take a closer look at UI Router's doc, there's much more you can do with it!