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What is the best Material Design UI framework

I started to build a web application for HR Management and thought of applying Material Design concepts for interface. When I searched I found there are many frameworks for it such as

  1. Angular Material
  2. Materialize
  3. Polymer

I want to select one of these material design frameworks for my project. There are couple of concerns I have about these frameworks.

  1. What is the stability and the future maintainability of framework
  2. How easy to customize the framework according to our new requirements and components
  3. Do others use the framework
  4. Which has most of the features

By considering above concerns can some one advice me what to use as the Material Design framework?


  • I will share my finding based on different criteria

    1. Browser Compatibility

      I) Materialize supports in all 3 browsers.

      II) Polymer does not support in IE and safari

      III) Angular Material its not mentioned clearly on the documentation.

    2. Stability

      I) Materialize Still under development but because it's just js and css you will be able to keep up with it.

      II) Polymer Still under development. Next versions can be entirely different.

      III) Angular Material Still under development. Next versions can be entirely different.

    3. Material look and feel

      I) Materialize not pure material design.

      II) Polymer pure material design.

      III) Angular Material pure material design.

    4. Features

      I) Materialize feature less compared to other two.

      II) Polymer feature rich.

      III) Angular Material feature rich.

    5. Future

      I) Materialize not clear.

      II) Polymer very clear because of google doing it.

      III) Angular Material very clear because of google doing it.

    Overall It's hard to say which is best. If not for the lack of support in IE (HR domain lots of people still use IE) my choice will be Polymer.If someone knows about Angular Material's browser compatibility please comment.