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Login using PDO and SHA1

I am new to PDO and I am a bit lost in the functions and how to make them work correctly!

I already created the functions to insert new users and now, I am trying to do the login function.

I crypted my password with this :

function create_salt($username,$timestamp)
    $hashed = sha1($username.$timestamp) ;

    $randomized = '';

    for ($i = 0 ; $i <= 40 ; $i++)
        $randomChar = $hashed[rand(0, strlen($hashed)-1)];


    return $randomized;

and for the user insert :

function userRegister($password,$email,$role,$title,$first_name,$last_name,$phone,$mobile_phone,$address,
// generate username
$username = createUsername($first_name,$last_name,$email);

// create salt
$password_salt = create_salt($username,time());

// encrypt password
$cryptedPassword = sha1($password);

// create new pdo object
$pdo = dbConnect();


    // create the account, allowing the user to log in

    $req = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO t_accounts (a_creation,a_last_change,a_username,a_password,a_password_salt,a_email)
                VALUES (NOW(),NOW(),:username,:cryptedPassword,:password_salt,:email)");

        'username'          =>  $username,
        'cryptedPassword'   =>  $cryptedPassword,
        'password_salt'     =>  $password_salt,
        'email'             =>  $email

    echo 'Account added';

    $lastAccountID = $pdo->lastInsertId();

    // create the user

    $req2 = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO t_users (t_roles_role_id,t_accounts_account_id,u_creation,u_last_change,
                VALUES (:role,LAST_INSERT_ID(),NOW(),NOW(),:title,:first_name,:last_name,:phone,

        'role'              =>  $role,
        'title'             =>  $title,
        'first_name'        =>  $first_name,
        'last_name'         =>  $last_name,
        'phone'             =>  $phone,
        'mobile_phone'      =>  $mobile_phone,
        'address'           =>  $address,
        'postal_code'       =>  $postal_code,
        'postal_case'       =>  $postal_case,
        'city'              =>  $city,
        'country'           =>  $country,
        'agent_number'      =>  $agent_number

    echo 'User added';

    $lastUserID = $pdo->lastInsertId();

    // open the logs for this account

    $req3 = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO t_accounts_logs (al_date,al_ipv4,al_ipv6,al_description,al_username)
                VALUES (NOW(),:al_ipv4,:al_ipv6,:al_description,:al_username)");

        'al_ipv4'           =>  $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],
        'al_ipv6'           =>  '',
        'al_description'    =>  'Création du user '.$lastUserID.'/'.$first_name.' '.$last_name.' avec le compte '.$lastAccountID.'/'.$username,
        'al_username'       =>  $username

    echo 'Log added';


    echo 'tout s\'est bien passé.';

catch(Exception $e)
    // rollback the transaction

    // display error message and datas
    echo 'Tout ne s\'est pas bien passé, voir les erreurs ci-dessous<br />';
    echo 'Erreur : '.$e->getMessage().'<br />';
    echo 'N° : '.$e->getCode();

    // exit the catch to avoid the next errors

and everything is working just fine.

Now, I am trying to do the login function and I need to check if the username, the email and the password are good.

Where I am :

function loginUser($fusername,$fpassword,$femail)
$pdo = dbConnect();

$encryptedPassword = sha1($fpassword);

// create the account, allowing the user to log in
    $req = $pdo->prepare("SELECT a_username, a_password, a_password_salt,a_email
                        FROM t_accounts WHERE t_accounts.a_username = :username
                        AND t_accounts.a_email = :email
                        AND t_accounts.a_password = :password;");

        ":username" => $fusername,
        ":email"    => $femail,
        ":password" => $encryptedPassword

    if ($req->rowCount() == 1)
        while ($get = $req->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ))
            echo 'logged in';
        echo 'user does not exist';

catch (Exception $e)
    echo "could not retrieve data from database" ;

I was looking for some tutorial like this one : but he is not testing the password with the salt.

What should I change in the test if I need to check the salt too and is the function good?


  • My final script, working fine, if someone needs it in the future

    function userRegister($password,$email,$role,$title,$first_name,$last_name,$phone,$mobile_phone,$address,
    // generate username
    $username = createUsername($first_name,$last_name,$email);
    // encrypt password
    $cryptedPassword = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, array("cost" => 11));
    // create new pdo object
    $pdo = dbConnect();
        // create the account, allowing the user to log in
        $req = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO t_accounts (a_creation,a_last_change,a_username,a_password,a_email)
                    VALUES (NOW(),NOW(),:username,:cryptedPassword,:email)");
            'username'          =>  $username,
            'cryptedPassword'   =>  $cryptedPassword,
            'email'             =>  $email
        echo 'Account added';
        $lastAccountID = $pdo->lastInsertId();
        // create the user
        $req2 = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO t_users (t_roles_role_id,t_accounts_account_id,u_creation,u_last_change,
                    VALUES (:role,LAST_INSERT_ID(),NOW(),NOW(),:title,:first_name,:last_name,:phone,
            'role'              =>  $role,
            'title'             =>  $title,
            'first_name'        =>  $first_name,
            'last_name'         =>  $last_name,
            'phone'             =>  $phone,
            'mobile_phone'      =>  $mobile_phone,
            'address'           =>  $address,
            'postal_code'       =>  $postal_code,
            'postal_case'       =>  $postal_case,
            'city'              =>  $city,
            'country'           =>  $country,
            'agent_number'      =>  $agent_number
        echo 'User added';
        $lastUserID = $pdo->lastInsertId();
        // open the logs for this account
        $req3 = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO t_accounts_logs (al_date,al_ipv4,al_ipv6,al_description,al_username)
                    VALUES (NOW(),:al_ipv4,:al_ipv6,:al_description,:al_username)");
            'al_ipv4'           =>  $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],
            'al_ipv6'           =>  '',
            'al_description'    =>  'Création du user '.$lastUserID.'/'.$first_name.' '.$last_name.' avec le compte '.$lastAccountID.'/'.$username,
            'al_username'       =>  $username
        echo 'Log added';
        echo 'tout s\'est bien passé.';
    catch(Exception $e)
        // rollback the transaction
        // display error message and datas
        echo 'Tout ne s\'est pas bien passé, voir les erreurs ci-dessous<br />';
        echo 'Erreur : '.$e->getMessage().'<br />';
        echo 'N° : '.$e->getCode();
        // exit the catch to avoid the next errors

    And the second

    function loginUser($fusername,$fpassword,$femail)
    $pdo = dbConnect();
    // create the account, allowing the user to log in
        $req = $pdo->prepare("SELECT *
                            FROM t_accounts WHERE t_accounts.a_username = :username
                            AND t_accounts.a_email = :email;");
            ":username" => $fusername,
            ":email"    => $femail
        if ($req->rowCount() == 1)
            while ($get = $req->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ))
                //$hash = password_hash($get->a_password,PASSWORD_BCRYPT,array("cost" => 11));
                if (password_verify($fpassword,$get->a_password))
                    echo 'Identifiants corrects';
                    echo 'Identifiants incorrects';
                    echo "\r\n";
                    echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"].'" />Retourner au formulaire</a>';
            echo 'user does not exist';
    catch (Exception $e)
        echo "could not retrieve data from database" ;