Is there a way to force flush-to-zero of underflows in gfortran?
I can't believe this is the first time someone has asked this, but I couldn't find anything on it anywhere. Mea culpa if this is a duplicate.
You can accomplish this with recent versions of gfortran that support the Fortran 2003 IEEE modules. The standard defines two underflow modes -- gradual and abrupt. Abrupt is the one you want which sets underflow to 0 and signals the underflow floating point exception. You can test for support of controlling the underflow mode with the function ieee_support_underflow_control(X)
which tests for underflow control for the kind of real X is and returns a logical true if it is supported. If supported, you can then call ieee_set_underflow_mode(.false.)
to set abrupt underflow mode.
Below is a test program you can use to test underflow control support for the default real kind:
program test
use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: compiler_version, compiler_options
implicit none
logical :: underflow_support, gradual, underflow
real :: fptest
integer :: i
print '(4a)', 'This file was compiled by ', &
compiler_version(), ' using the options ', &
fptest = 0.0
underflow_support = ieee_support_underflow_control(fptest)
if (underflow_support) then
print *,'Underflow control supported for the default real kind'
stop 'no underflow control support'
end if
call ieee_set_underflow_mode(.false.)
call ieee_get_underflow_mode(gradual)
if (.not.gradual) then
print *,'Able to set abrupt underflow mode'
stop 'error setting underflow mode'
end if
fptest = 2e-36
do i=1,50 ! 50 iterations max
fptest = fptest * 0.5
print '(e15.10)',fptest
call ieee_get_flag(ieee_underflow,underflow)
if (underflow) print *,'Underflow exception signaling'
if (fptest == 0.0) exit
end do
end program test
Using gfortran version 5.2.0, this program outputs:
This file was compiled by GCC version 5.2.0 using the options -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -fno-unsafe-math-optimizations -frounding-math -fsignaling-nans
Underflow control supported for the default real kind
Able to set abrubpt underflow mode
Underflow exception signaling
The compiler option flags -fno-unsafe-math-optimizations -frounding-math -fsignaling-nans
are suggested by the gfortran 5.2 documentation to be used anytime the IEEE modules are used to ensure adherence to the standard.