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How to parse Json response and truncate child nodes

This is the JSON response I am trying to parse:

"data": {
    "Content": {
        "id": 26,
        "name": "Dashboard1"
    "List": [
            "ListContent": {
                "id": 178,
                "name": "Card-144"
            "cards": [
                    "id": 1780,
                    "configuration": {
                        "id": 7178,
                        "name": "Emp"
            "ListContent": {
                "id": 179,
                "name": "Card-14"
            "cards": [
                    "id": 1798,
                    "configuration": {
                        "id": 1789,
                        "name": "RandomColumns"
            "ListContent": {
                "id": 180,
                "name": "Card-1"
            "cards": [
                    "id": 18080,
                    "configuration": {
                        "id": 1080,
                        "allow": true
            "ListContent": {
                "id": 181,
                "name": "Card-14"
            "cards": [
                    "id": 18081,
                    "configuration": {
                        "id": 1881,
                        "name": "Functions"
            "ListContent": {
                "id": 182,
                "name": "Card-1443"
            "cards": [
                    "id": 1782,
                    "configuration": {
                        "id": 1802,
                        "name": "Emp-O"


From the Json, I need to extract "id"s under the "ListContent" nodes and store it in an array. Also, will need to ignore "id"s under the child nodes. Here is a groovy script I am trying to achieve this with,

    def CList = ""
    import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
    def jsonRespData = context.expand( '${TestStep#Response#$.data.List}' ) 
    def outputResp = new JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonRespData)
    { ":"+ it) 
    CList=CList.concat(it.toString()).concat(',')} (CList)

So, the array that I am expecting is CList [178,179,180,181,182] but I am currently getting null. What should be the correct groovy to only read "id" from "ListContent" and write it to an array? Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance.


  • You can just use the (implicit) spread operator like this:

    def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parse('/tmp/x.json' as File)
    def i =
    assert i == [178, 179, 180, 181, 182]
    // with explicit spread operator
    def e =*.ListContent*.id
    assert e == [178, 179, 180, 181, 182]