I'm trying to override UIButton setAttributedTitle:forState:
in order to set some default kerning everywhere the subclass is used. This code creates the correct NSAttributedString
and works for any UIButtons I've created with Interface Builder:
- (void)setAttributedTitle:(NSAttributedString *)title forState:(UIControlState)state
NSMutableAttributedString* attributeText = [[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithAttributedString:title] mutableCopy];
[attributeText addAttributes:@{NSKernAttributeName: @(kDefaultKerning)} range:[attributeText fullRange]];
self.titleLabel.attributedText = attributeText;
[self setNeedsDisplay];
But it doesn't work for any of the UIButton subclass that I create in code:
[_myButton setAttributedTitle:attributedString forState:UIControlStateNormal];
So I tried calling super instead of self.titleLabel.attributedText = attributeText;
[super setAttributedTitle:title forState:state];
Which works for the button created in code, but now it doesn't work for the Interface Builder buttons.
Since as far as I know, Interface Builder just calls setAttributedText anyway, what gives? How can I get this override to work for both code-generated buttons and Interface Builder?
Silly me. Of course [super setAttributedTitle:title forState:state];
wasn't working, because I was setting it to title
instead of attributedText
- (void)setAttributedTitle:(NSAttributedString *)title forState:(UIControlState)state
NSMutableAttributedString* attributeText = [[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithAttributedString:title] mutableCopy];
[attributeText addAttributes:@{NSKernAttributeName: @(kDefaultKerning)} range:[attributeText fullRange]];
[super setAttributedTitle:attributeText forState:state];
[self setNeedsDisplay];