So I created a test service set :
class FMaiAffaireServiceTest extends TestCase
* @var MyService
private $myService;
private $typeaffaireTable;
private $mockDriver;
private $mockConnection;
private $mockPlatform;
private $mockStatement;
private $adapter;
private $sql;
public function setUp()
$this->mockDriver = $this->getMock('Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\DriverInterface');
$this->mockConnection = $this->getMock('Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\ConnectionInterface');
$this->mockPlatform = $this->getMock('Zend\Db\Adapter\Platform\PlatformInterface');
$this->mockStatement = $this->getMock('Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\StatementInterface');
$this->adapter = new Adapter($this->mockDriver, $this->mockPlatform);
$this->sql = new Sql($this->adapter);
$mockTableGateway = $this->getMock('Zend\Db\TableGateway\TableGateway', array(), array(), '', false);
$maiAffaireTable = $this->getMockBuilder('Maintenance\Model\BDD\FMaiAffaireTable')
->setConstructorArgs(array($mockTableGateway, $this->adapter, $this->sql))
$stub = $this->returnValue(new ResultSet());
$this->myService = new FMaiAffaireService(
public function testListAffaires()
My service looks like this, it is a call to my Zend Db function :
class FMaiAffaireService
private $maiAffaireTable;
public function __construct(
) {
$this->maiAffaireTable = $maiAffaireTable;
public function listAffaires($iOffset, $iLimit) {
$aResults = $this->maiAffaireTable->listAffaires($iOffset, $iLimit);
return $aResults->toArray();
And here is the sample of my Zend DB function :
class FMaiAffaireTable
protected $tableGateway;
protected $adapter;
protected $sql;
public function __construct(
TableGateway $tableGateway,
Adapter $adapter,
Sql $sql
) {
$this->tableGateway = $tableGateway;
$this->adapter = $adapter;
$this->sql = $sql;
public function listAffaires($iOffset, $iLimit)
try {
$resultSet = $this->tableGateway->select(
function (Select $select) use (
) {
return $resultSet;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new \Exception($e);
And there is a big problem at the execution of PHPUnit :
1) Directories\FMaiAffaireServiceTest::testListAffaires reset() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given
I don't call reset() ANYWHERE ! That's the problem ... I think it's a PDO function but ... I'm a bit lost.
The problem is here
$stub = $this->returnValue(new ResultSet());
A non-initialized ResultSet will not have a datasource, running toArray() on it (as you do in your service) will first try and reset the datasource, which will be null.
$resultSet = new ResultSet();
$stub = $this->returnValue($resultSet);