I have this code inside a controller. I'm using it to open an angularJS Bootstrap modal with another controller attached.
Is there a way I can not use $scope for the ok() and cancel() functions here?
$scope.deleteTest = (test: ITest) => {
var self = this;
var modalInstance = $modal.open({
templateUrl: '/app/tests/partials/deleteTest.html',
controller: ['$scope', '$modalInstance', 'testService',
function ($scope, $modalInstance, testService: ITestService) {
$scope.ok = () => {
var self = this;
() => {
$scope.cancel = () => {
Looks like you are using TypeScript so you can do something like this
var modalInstance = $modal.open({
templateUrl: '/app/tests/partials/deleteTest.html',
controller: DeleteTest,
controllerAs: 'ctrl'
class DeleteTest {
static $inject = ['$modalInstance', 'testService'];
constructor(private $modalInstance, private testService: ITestService) {
ok() {
this.testService.deleteTest().then(() => this.$modalInstance.close());
cancel() {
In deleteTest.html
you could call the ok()
method with something like
<button ng-click="ctrl.ok()">Ok</button>