I this code:
require 'bigdecimal'
a = BigDecimal.new(1, 2)
While we can have those values:
a.to_s #=> "0.1E1"
a.to_f #=> 1.0
I would prefer to obtain this one: a.to_string # => "1.00"
Do you know if Ruby's BigDecimal is able to do this without having to create an additional #to_string method?
If not, what would be the best solution to have a big decimal number with always 2 numbers after the decimal point?
It can, but this is a kind of output format.
sprintf( "%.02f", a)
# => "1.00"
You can define a method like this:
class BigDecimal
def to_string
sprintf( "%.02f", self)
=> "1.00"
As suggested by @CarySwoveland, you also can write like this
sprintf( "%.02f" % a)
sprintf( "%.02f %.02f %.02f" % [a, b, c])