I tried
g = git.Repo(r'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testRepo')
print g.untracked_files
But got:
git.exc.GitCommandNotFound: [Error 2]
Is it a bug?
I don't have this error when I do exactly the same.
Do you have git
executable in your ${PATH} variable?
If you are using bash you can run
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/your/git/executable
From exc.py
in gitpython
class GitCommandNotFound(Exception):
"""Thrown if we cannot find the
gitexecutable in the PATH or at the path given by
the GIT_PYTHON_GIT_EXECUTABLE environment variable"""
one can assume that setting that env variable may also help.
You can also set env variable directly from python in platform-independent way as greatly described here, instead of modifying your startup script (aka ~/.bash_profile or similar ):
Python: Platform independent way to modify PATH environment variable