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jersey 2 multipart pojo is always null

I'm trying to write a rest service to upload a file along with some other file information, using Jersey + Jackson.

Using multipart, the file is uploaded correctly, and simple fields are OK as well, but the POJO that's supposed to contain additional data, is always null.

Simplified example


public class Test {

 public String name;

 public Test() {}

 public String getName() {
    return name;
 public void setName(String name) { = name;



public class JerseyApp extends ResourceConfig {

 public JerseyApp() {




  // Enable Tracing support.
  property(ServerProperties.TRACING, "ALL");


public class FileRestService {

 public Response createFile1(@FormDataParam("doc") Test doc) {
    //doc is always null
    return Response.ok(doc.getName()).build();

 public Response createFile2(Test doc) {
    //doc is created ok
    return Response.ok(doc.getName()).build();

web.xml is empty



Data is JSON and I'm testing with DHC/Postman, if it makes any difference.

Any idea why when using multipart, the pojo/bean is null?


  • See related problem here. The problem is that the Content-Type is not set for the doc part. In that post (answer) I didn't know how to set it in Postman, and I still haven't found a solution.

    If you use a tool like cURL (which I'll just say is the best tool ever for REST development :-), you can make set the Content-Type of each part. If you don't know already cURL is a command like tool that you can use to make HTTP (and other protocol) requests. For example, you can do something like

    curl -v -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/file \
            -F 'doc={"hello":"world"};type=application/json'

    This makes a POST request as multipart and sets the doc part to be of type application/json.

    You will also find some useful examples of setting here


    Another options, if you simply can't set the individual parts' Content-Type, is to set the type programmatically before deserialing. For example

     public Response createFile1(@FormDataParam("doc") FormDataBodyPart part) {
        Test doc = part.getValueAs(Test.class);
        return Response.ok(doc.getName()).build();