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SCORM: is this a proper behaviour for commiting data to the LMS

I have the flowing issue. I have a costume course that I am building, that is based on SCORM 2004 3th edition, and it is deployed on SABA LMS. What i am doing is:

  1. I use "API.SetValue" to set some data

  2. I use "API.Commit" to save the data to the LMS

    (i am using an wrapper library but it is using the core functions nevertheless )

now I am doing this several times for different data fields, lets call them "X", "Y" and "Z".

What i expect is on the first request to the server, is to see only "X" being send, and that is exactly what I see. Then on the second I expect to see only "Y", but here is what I do not understand, I see that the API is sending both "X" and "Y". And of course the 3th is sending "X", "Y" and "Z"

you can understand what my concern is. I get to a point that every time i want so save 0.1k of data, I have to make 40-50K of request.

Can anybody explain to me if this is a problem of SCORM, the specific LMS that I am using (SABA) or it is something that i am doing wrong?


  • It is not a SCORM thing. SCORM just tells you the API - GetValue, SetValue, Commit, etc - and a general behavior for each call. But it does not dictate how the LMS actually does those things. It appears that the LMS is saving the data client-side. So when you set X, it saves it locally. When you call Commit, the LMS takes all of the data client side and sends it back to the server. Later when you set Y and Z it is doing the same thing - taking all of the data and sending back to the LMS.

    Short of getting the LMS to change its behavior I don't think there's anything you can really do about it. The rule of thumb I go by is only commit when you really need to. You could just call SetValue for X, Y and Z, then Commit only when going on to another SCO or getting to a point where you decide this data must be saved to the LMS.