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Selecting a column from datatable to check its values

I have a datatable which has 3 columns "Name","Type","ID" i want to use only one column in it for comparison. Which is "Type". I wanted to take that column put it in a DataColumn separated from the datatable, compare the values of the cells in it with a string and then pass a string if it matches. I am not sure if this method is right or wrong, i even dont know how to get the string value of the cells (rows) in this Datacolumn to be compared

Here is my code for it :

DataTable Griddetails;
Griddetails = RxMUaClient.BrowseGrid("2", "", nodepassed);

var myColumn = Griddetails.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>()
                          .SingleOrDefault(col => col.ColumnName == "Type");

return Json(myColumn);
if (myColumn != null)
    for (int i = 0; i <= myColumn.; i++ )


I am trying to get the datarow count in the dataColumn either by a for loop or foreach, the foreach is not working for some error and the i don't know how to get the value of the datacolumn for the for loop.

Any help ?


  • Even if the question still doesn't make much sense to me, if you just want to know how many rows a table has that belongs to a given DataColumn:

    int rowCount = myColumn.Table.Rows.Count;

    Note that you don't need the LINQ query to find the column, you can use the DataColumnCollection indexer that takes a string:

    DataColumn myColumn = Griddetails.Columns["Type"];

    It works as desired if there is no column with that name and returns null.

    After your edited question it seems that you actually want to find row(s) which type-column contain a given value. You can use LINQ:

    var matchingRows = from row in Griddetails.AsEnumerable()
                       where row.Field<string>("Type") == valueYouSearch
                       select row;
    DataRow firstRow = matchingRows.FirstOrDefaul();
    if(firstRow != null)
        // here you know that there is at least one row with that value in the type-column
        string firstType = firstRow.Field<string>("Type"); // pointless, maybe you want to return different column's value
        // ....