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Meaning of "Is" & "In"

What is the meaning of is and in in VBScript? Because they appear in blue when I write them in UFT.

Can I use them to check whether a value exists in matrix without looping? Because that's actually what I'm looking for. I mean something like this:

If "Ahmed" is in Matrix() Then
    msgbox "He's in"
End If


  • When in doubt, read the documentation. The Is operator is used to check if two object references (object variables) point to the same object:

    Set sh1 = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set sh2 = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set sh3 = sh1
    WScript.Echo "" & (sh1 Is sh2)        'Output: False
    WScript.Echo "" & (sh1 Is sh3)        'Output: True

    The keyword In kind of exists in VBScript, but only as part of a For Each loop:

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    '"In" used in For Each loop.
    For Each f In fso.GetFolder("C:\some\folder").Files
      WScript.Echo f.Name

    You could use a For Each loop for checking if an array (one array dimension to be precise) contains a specific value:

    For Each element In arr
      If element = refElement Then
      End If

    I'm not aware of a way to check if a VBScript array contains a specific element without a loop, though (unless you count joining the elements to a string and then testing for an element with InStr, which doesn't work for all data types). You could do that with a Dictionary:

    Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    d.Add "a", True
    d.Add "b", True
    WScript.Echo "" & d.Exists("a")       'Output: True
    WScript.Echo "" & d.Exists("c")       'Output: False

    or an ArrayList:

    Set al = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
    al.Add "a", True
    al.Add "b", True
    WScript.Echo "" & al.Contains("a")    'Output: True
    WScript.Echo "" & al.Contains("c")    'Output: False

    However, using different data structures would most likely require changes to the rest of your code.