I have a bibtex file (exported from Zotero) and I want to clean it by removing particular fields.
As an example, removing the file field from the following entry:
title = {Fast {Rates} for {Regularized} {Objectives}.},
urldate = {2014-03-26},
booktitle = {{NIPS}},
author = {Sridharan, Karthik and Shalev-Shwartz, Shai and Srebro, Nathan},
year = {2008},
pages = {1545--1552},
file = {3400-fast-rates-for-regularized-objectives.pdf:/home/johnros/.zotero/zotero/66g0wvis.default/zotero/storage/6ND67P5F/3400-fast-rates-for-regularized-objectives.pdf:application/pdf}
You can do that with grep
quite easily:
grep -v "^\s*file =" bibtext.txt
The trailing comma on the previous record should not be a problem... see here.
Or, if you are really keen on awk
awk '!/file = /' bibtext.txt