I'm trying to implement a function that takes two geometry vectors in 3D space and returns a rotation matrix that rotates the first vector to the second vector. My function currently uses Rodrigues' rotation formula to create a matrix, but my implementation of this formula gives the wrong answer for some inputs. I checked the math by hand for one test that gave an incorrect result, and my work gave the same result.
Here is the code for my function:
Matrix3d rotation_matrix(Vector3d vector0, Vector3d vector1)
// vector orthogonal to both inputs
Vector3d u = vector0.cross(vector1);
if (!u.norm())
if (vector0 == vector1)
return Matrix3d::Identity();
// return rotation matrix that represents 180 degree rotation
Matrix3d m1;
m1 << -1, 0, 0,
0,-1, 0,
0, 0, 1;
return m1;
/* For the angle between both inputs:
* 1) The sine is the magnitude of their cross product.
* 2) The cosine equals their dot product.
// sine must be calculated using original cross product
double sine = u.norm();
double cosine = vector0.dot(vector1);
double ux = u[0];
double uy = u[1];
double uz = u[2];
Matrix3d cross_product_matrix;
cross_product_matrix << 0, -uz, uy,
uz, 0,-ux,
-uy, ux, 0;
Matrix3d part1 = Matrix3d::Identity();
Matrix3d part2 = cross_product_matrix * sine;
Matrix3d part3 = cross_product_matrix*cross_product_matrix * (1 - cosine);
return part1 + part2 + part3;
I use the Eigen C++ library for linear algebra (available here): http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Main_Page
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
A one liner version consists in using Eigen's Quaternion:
return Matrix3d(Quaterniond::FromTwoVectors(v0,v1));