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About hiding echo commands in command prompt

I made a batch file like this (The batch file is on the desktop):

@echo off
echo bla bla bla

When I execute it, the file is shown like this:

C:\Users\ÇAĞATAY\Desktop>echo bla bla bla
bla bla bla

But, I want to hide all of the first lines. I want it to look like this:

bla bla bla

What should I do?


  • @ suppresses command repetition for this command.

    echo off suppresses command repetition for all following commands -BUT...

    @echo off consequently suppresses command repetition for this and all following commands - BUT...

    ...BUT: this works only in batch files, not on command line.

    If you want to suppress command repetition on command line, you have to precede every command with @