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Self-contained generic memento

Dearest fellow programmers,

I seem to lack some understanding as of how the referencing works in C#.

The case:
I tried to implement some sort of Memento proxy which would wrap an interface and store every parameter that we're provided to the method calls and store these into a list.

Whenever necessary we could call the RestoreState and the objects would "reset" to the original state.

The code:
Consumer and model object

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        IMemento memento = new Memento();
        PrestationInfo prestationInfo2 = new PrestationInfo { Advance = 2 };

        Console.WriteLine(prestationInfo2.Advance);   //Expect 2

        prestationInfo2.Advance = 1;
        Console.WriteLine(prestationInfo2.Advance);   //Expect 1

        Console.WriteLine(prestationInfo2.Advance);   //Expect 2, but still 1


public class PrestationInfo
    public int Advance { get; set; }


    public interface IMemento
    void Add(object pItem);
    void RestoreState();

public class Memento : IMemento
    public Memento()
        MementoList = new Dictionary<long, object>();
        ReferenceList = new List<object>();
        ObjectIDGenerator = new ObjectIDGenerator();

    private ObjectIDGenerator ObjectIDGenerator { get; set; }
    private Dictionary<long, object> MementoList { get; set; }
    private List<object> ReferenceList { get; set; } 

    public void Add(object pItem)
        bool firstTime;
        long id = ObjectIDGenerator.GetId(pItem, out firstTime);

        if (firstTime)
            var mementoObject = DeepCopy(pItem);
            MementoList.Add(id, mementoObject);


    public void RestoreState() 
        for (int i = 0; i < ReferenceList.Count; i++)
            object reference = ReferenceList[i];

            bool firstTime;
            long id = ObjectIDGenerator.GetId(reference, out firstTime);

            if (MementoList.ContainsKey(id))
                object mementoObject = MementoList[id];

                reference = mementoObject;
                //reference = PropertyCopy<PrestationInfo>.CopyFrom(mementoObject as PrestationInfo);   //Property copy
                //Interlocked.Exchange(ref reference, mementoObject);   //Also tried this

    private static TCopy DeepCopy<TCopy>(TCopy pObjectToCopy)
        using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
            BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            binaryFormatter.Serialize(memoryStream, pObjectToCopy);

            memoryStream.Position = 0;
            return (TCopy)binaryFormatter.Deserialize(memoryStream);

Extra info
My guess is, I'm doing/understand something wrong regarding the List.

I also tried the Interlocked.Exchange, playing around with "ref"'s, using WeakReference's and storing the object into a CareTaker object (and storing that CareTaker into the List), implement some copy Property thing...

And ... I just can't see it.

My expected result would be the PrestationInfo.Advance property containing the value 2. But it keeps


  • Try this:

    Change the Add method:

    public long Add(object pItem)
        bool firstTime;
        long id = ObjectIDGenerator.GetId(pItem, out firstTime);
        if (firstTime)
            var mementoObject = DeepCopy(pItem);
            MementoList.Add(id, mementoObject);
        return id;  // i need my memento! LOL

    You should also add this accessor method:

    public object GetRestoredState(long id)
        return MementoList[id];  // you should put some range check here

    Now that you have your id, you can fetch the restored state this way:

    prestationInfo2 = memento.GetRestoredState(savedId); // <-- you got this when you called the Add()...
    Console.WriteLine(prestationInfo2.Advance);   //Expect 2, but still 1

    Follow ups: you can also make the IMemento into a IMemento<T>, and adjust your code accordingly