I was looking for some example how to extract data from database and use it in diagram created in Gruff, but failed. So I want to show in this diagram two things from data base:
Course.application.size - which would count all applications to this course
Student.size - which would show me how many students are in school
So, how should I put this data into following diagram?
g = Gruff::Pie.new
g.title = "Applications"
g.data("Applied", ???)
g.data("Students", ???)
send_data(g.to_blob, :disposition => 'inline', :type => 'image/png', :filename => "gruff.png")
Store the count in variable and use it as data in graph as shown below:
@course = Course.application.size
@student = Student.size
g = Gruff::Pie.new
g.title = "Applications"
g.data : "Applied", @course
g.data : "Students", @student
send_data(g.to_blob, :disposition => 'inline', :type => 'image/png', :filename => "gruff.png")