I wrote a video play view, it is a SurfaceView with a MediaPlayer instance. I attached the mediaplayer to the surface holder when surface created then start the play.
This is easy and everyone knows the details. But I want to draw a bitmap which is the first frame of the video to the surfaceview.Canvas is not a choice to draw the bitmap, because it will disable the mediaplayer to connect.
Since api level 14, we can new a surface with surfacetexture. So we can use opengl es to draw video frame and bitmap. But I am concerned about the performance.This way of playing video is more complicated and will it cause more overhead? Who can give me some advices?
You have a few options:
Use a FrameLayout to put a custom View (or maybe just an ImageView) on top of the SurfaceView. Draw your content there. When video playback starts, hide the View.
Connect GLES, draw the first frame, disconnect GLES, connect the MediaPlayer, play the movie. This is essentially what Grafika's PlayMovieSurfaceActivity does to clear the screen to black (see clearSurface()
) before playing a movie.
As noted in your question, you can send the video to a SurfaceTexture, and then choose to render your content or render the image from the texture onto the SurfaceView.
#1 is the easiest. #3 adds complexity and is more expensive.