I am using Nano to connect to the database on NodeJS.
The api is: db.search(designname, searchname, [params], [callback])
In the params, I tried {q:"name:'39'"}, it can work, but if I add 'sort', then it never works. For example: {"name:'39'", sort:'count'}, {"name:'39'","['count']"}. However when I use the url to commit same operation like '/showall?q=name:39&sort="count"', and it works. I also tried {"name:'39'", limit:3}, it also work.
I just do not know how to use 'sort' in the JS code.
The sort
parameter needs to be a JSON formatted string. In your url example, you are JSON formatting the string with /showall?q=name:39&sort="count"
. To replicate this in code you would need to do:
db.search(ddocname, searchname, {"name":39', sort:'"count"'});