I'm making a fairly typical plot of geochemistry profiles for which I need to use a subscript and a greek symbol in the x-axis
It should read CH4 (umol) where the 4 is subscript and the u is the greek symbol mu
ggvis code:
ch4 %>% ggvis(~ch4_umol, ~depth_cm, fill=~Core, stroke=~Core) %>%
layer_lines(fillOpacity=0) %>% scale_numeric('y', reverse=T) %>%
add_axis("y", title = "Depth (cm)") %>%
add_axis('x', orient='top', title="CH[4] ("mu "mol)")
Side-note: I know that I can make the proper labels in ggplot2 but I can't put the x-axis on top in ggplot2
title <- "CH\u2084 (\u03BC mol)"
mtcars %>%
ggvis(~wt, ~mpg) %>%
layer_points() %>%
add_axis('x', orient = 'top', title = title)
In case you need more special characters in the future, look them up here and look for "C/C++/Java source code".