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Forced Touch with tvOS

Does anybody know how to detect a forced touch/click on the remote control with tvOS?

I want to use the click in a Sprite Kit scene to open a 'game paused alert'. I have no UIKit controls which have the focus and will react on the click.

I'm already using the 'normal' touch events on the remote control to move my sprites around.


  • Apple suggests using UIPressesEvent's to detect presses/clicks.

    override func pressesBegan(presses: Set<UIPress>, withEvent event: UIPressesEvent?) {
        for item in presses {
            if item.type == .Select {
                self.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.greenColor()
    override func pressesEnded(presses: Set<UIPress>, withEvent event: UIPressesEvent?) {
        for item in presses {
            if item.type == .Select {
                self.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
    override func pressesChanged(presses: Set<UIPress>, withEvent event: UIPressesEvent?) {
        // ignored
    override func pressesCancelled(presses: Set<UIPress>, withEvent event: UIPressesEvent?) {
        for item in presses {
            if item.type == .Select {
                self.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()